Best PCD Pharma franchise in Chandigarh 

Best PCD Pharma franchise in Chandigarh – What distinguishes a pharmaceutical marketing company from a manufacturing company?

Globally, and particularly in India, the pharmaceutical business has experienced significant expansion. Consequently, choosing to pursue a profession in this area is a good choice.

Newcomers have two options as far as they are concerned. Either they can join a reputable business and advance inside it.

Or they could start their own company.

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Best Pharma franchise – Innovexia Lifesciences 

Again, there are two options if the second option is chosen. A pharmaceutical manufacturing or marketing business can be started.

Pharma manufacturing companies and marketing companies differ from one another.

What distinguishes a pharmaceutical marketing company from a manufacturing company fundamentally?

In this article, we shall clarify that based on a few factors.

number of customers

If you run a pharmaceutical manufacturing business, your clientele will be constrained. These customers will be those who participate in the production process.

There will be more clients in a firm that does pharmaceutical marketing. This is so that the business may communicate with customers and partners in the distribution channel.

As a result, many clients will be treated simultaneously in several locations.

operational methods

These two models differ greatly when the operational procedure is taken into account.

For pharmaceutical firms, a manufacturing facility creates products using various formulations. It must recognise every stage of the producing process.

It is clear that this is a complicated paradigm where various departments must coordinate their efforts, possibly under one roof or via an outsourcing model.

Only two things must be the emphasis of a pharmaceutical marketing firm: brand valuation and product business promotion. Building an effective network of individuals to market and promote items is the task at hand.


Launching a manufacturing business will result in significantly less competition. In your sector, there won’t be many manufacturing businesses. You are expected to go up against businesses that produce similar compositions to you.

Contrarily, a pharmaceutical marketing firm faced ferocious rivalry. There will be a lot of businesses competing to sell comparable goods in the same market.


It is required to have four years of experience or more in the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry before you may start your own business.

There is no such restriction if you wish to start a marketing business. You must have a selection of high-quality medications and effective marketing strategies.


To start a marketing business, no certification is required, but to start a manufacturing business, you need certification from reliable sources.

It’s necessary to demonstrate the validity and dependability of the manufacturing procedure in order to produce medicines. So you require accreditation from organisations like ISO, WHO, FSSAI, etc.

Marketing and promotion skills are crucial in a drug marketing organisation.

Scale and margin of profit

The turnover rate of a manufacturing company is higher than that of a marketing organisation. It makes more money as well.

Because all clients must pay the same amount, pharma marketing firms have lower profit margins. In this case, the economies of scale is necessary to boost profit.

One of the leading PCD pharmaceutical businesses in India, Innovexia lifesciences strives to ensure that no patient is denied access to affordable, high-quality medical supplies. From all over India, we cordially invite PCD pharma distributors, Pharma dealers, and Pharma franchise distributors to become our franchisees for our Pharma products in their states.

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